How to start up your own website for free

This post has been updated. Please visit: The A-Z of How to Start Your Own Website And Make Money

Your website is the most important asset of your online business. It is what automates the entire process of customer relations, sales and payments, and it’s the foundation of any online business.

How to start up your own website for free

Now you probably think that creating a website is hard and you need professionals for that… But creating a professional website is in fact easier ever, and blog publishing platforms like WordPress has literally taken all the advanced coding and technicalities out of the game, and made it possible for anyone to build a professional website in a matter of minutes.

All you need is the right tools!

All you need to create and shape your very own website is a quick briefing, and a simple website manager tool, and there’s no better place to get that than at the Wealthy Affiliate University (see my full review here).

They provide simple and user-friendly tools to create and manage your own domain and website, and teach you everything you need to know to build it and make it appealing, professional and profitable.

Take a look at the video below to see it in action using the Wealthy Affiliate website manager tool. It literally takes no more than 30 seconds and it’s completely free!
Now there’s one thing to have a plain website up and open to the public, but now you want to make it appealing, content-rich, and user-friendly to your audience. That’s why it’s important that you know the 5 fundamental pillars for creating a professional website.

5 Fundamental Pillars for creating a professional website:

  1. A professional layout
  2. Easy navigation
  3. Content management (WordPress will take care of this for you)
  4. The speed of your site
  5. High quality content

As long as you focus on these 5 aspects, I am sure that your website will become highly successful in turning traffic into profit once you get a bit more established.

Set up your own website today!

The easiest way to accomplish all this is through the WordPress blogging platform. As I mentioned earlier, they basically take away all the coding and advanced technical stuff of managing a website, and as I use it on a daily basis myself, I can easily recommend this with a clean conscience to anyone looking to start their own website.

You can easily set up your own free WordPress website right now. Just submit your desired domain name in the box below and get started today!

What is WordPress, and how important is it to you?

WordPress is the #1 most popular blogging platform in the world, and the easiest way to build and manage and control your website. In practice, WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that has already prefixed all of the advanced coding and hard work for you, and captured it all into a simple and well-organized user interface, which makes it ideal for even the least experienced ones to use. It will even save you a ton of time! All you do is setup your domain, choose a theme for your website, and you’re ready to go!

Here’s 5 great benefits of using WordPress:

  1. Set up your website in seconds with just a simple mouse-click
  2. No HTML or advanced coding experience needed
  3. Thousands of themes and templates to choose from
  4. An ocean of simple and fancy plugins for extra functionality
  5. Super easy to get help and support if there’s anything you need

Are you ready to Start up your own website?

Are you ready to get started today? Simply follow these 3 steps and you will have your brand new fully customizable website up and running in a matter of minutes!

  1. Choose your FREE domain at
  2. Setup your account with ZERO costs
  3. You then get access to 2 completely free websites, and the Wealthy Affiliate University training platform.

Let’s get going, and I’ll see you on the inside! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for lots of great tips and information that’s exclusive to my email subscribers. Also if you’ve found this page helpful, please do me a favor and share it with your friends by clicking one of the boxes below.

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